No matter what type of vehicle you drive, it is going to require routine auto maintenance. Neglecting your car of much needed service will eventually result in it running poorly, or not at all, so be sure to follow the service schedule in your car’s owner’s manual to prevent excessive wear and tear! When it’s time, call the team at J&C Car Repair. We provide dealer alternative auto maintenance in Margate to to keep your car or truck running as designed.

Oil Change
The most common type of auto maintenance required by any vehicle is the oil change. As engine oil circulates it picks up debris that can cause the oil to thicken and clog the oil filter, reducing oil flow. Fresh oil will ensure that the moving parts of your car’s engine remain properly lubricated, thus preventing harsh friction that can damage the motor.

30/60/90K Maintenance
Most cars and trucks require routine check ups every 30,000 miles, a service referred to as 30/60/90K maintenance. At these appointments, which are necessary to keep any existing warranty valid, a vehicle will undergo a variety of services to ensure all its systems are healthy.

Fluid Flush
Your car uses several specialized fluids that are integral to its operation. Over time, these fluids breakdown or become contaminated, preventing them from properly doing their job. A fluid flush is performed to replace the tainted fluid with fresh fluid. We can perform a brake fluid flush, cooling system flush, transmission fluid flush or power steering fluid flush.

Timing Belt Replacement
If your vehicle is equipped with a timing belt, don’t hesitate to have it replaced when called for by the owner’s manual, which is generally between 75,000 and 105,000 miles. A snapped belt could result in massive engine damage. Give us a call to request timing belt repair in Margate.

Tune Up
When you car or truck just isn’t running right, it’s probably time for a tune up. Tune ups may include a variety of services that restore power, performance, fuel efficiency and reliability. These services include replacing spark plugs, installing a new air filter, completing fuel injection cleaning and much more. If you car seems to run poorly, come see us for a tune up!
As a full service provider of auto maintenance in Margate you can rely on our team to keep your vehicle running its very best. Give us a call at to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our extensive services.